Jen Laing
ContactPosts by Jen Laing:
In a city where pools are scarce, any building offering a place to swim is a draw. But a private indoor pool that can be used rain or shine, winter or summer, day or night, 365 days of the year, well that’s taking the perk to a whole new level.
All of these already impressive homes come complete with indoor pools that are ideal for stroke work, split times, your racing turn practice, perfecting underwater handstands and rollicking games of Marco Polo. What are you waiting for? Dive in!
With awards season kicking into high gear, it’s only natural to want to catch up on viewings of nominated films and programs. You could watch them on your tablet or stream them onto your flatscreen, but for a more authentic experience, a private screening room—such as the ones featured here—is the only way to go.
The kitchen counter is no place to store your favorite bottle of red, white or bubbly. A wine fridge or, better yet, cellar provides a much more hospitable environment to the delicate bouquets! These fine homes all come ready-equipped with cellars large enough to store an ample supply—be they Bordeaux or box. Cheers!