Alana Mayman
ContactPosts by Alana Mayman:
Affordable housing is a huge, and hugely important, issue in NYC...but it's not the only way to win or lose NYC's real estate vote.
If Joe Lhota and Bill De Blasio really want to become mayor, all they need to do is promise all (or even just a couple!) of the following to New Yorkers:
Wedding season is upon us, but before you run over to Crate & Barrel/Bloomie's/etc. to pick up a panini press or cotton candy machine, consider what New York City apartment dwellers really need.
Case in point: Engaged at the tender age of 23, I chose every crystal stem, sterling utensil, decorative charger, and small appliance with assiduous- some would say obsessive- care.
You may pride yourself on your Wikipedia-like knowledge of the best/worst rooftop bars and smartest/dumbest places to hail a taxi at rush hour, but you're not really a New Yorker until you pass through the Five Stages of Real Estate Grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance)...and the following NYC real estate truths no longer shock you: