And the top 10 wedding gifts for NYC apartment dwellers are...

Wedding season is upon us, but before you run over to Crate & Barrel/Bloomie's/etc. to pick up a panini press or cotton candy machine, consider what New York City apartment dwellers really need.
Case in point: Engaged at the tender age of 23, I chose every crystal stem, sterling utensil, decorative charger, and small appliance with assiduous- some would say obsessive- care.
All of these beautiful things recently celebrated their Sweet 16 in boxes in my mother's suburban basement, having never seen the light of day. I barely have room for my sweaters in the co-op apartment I share with my husband and small children.
Here is our top ten registry list for NYC brides and grooms:
- Inflatable air mattress--for when the MIL comes to stay and for hubby for the week after she leaves.
- His and hers iPad minis with noise canceling headphones so they'll never fight over what show or movie to watch on the one TV again
- A year's supply of kitchen sponges--for cleaning of course AND to put between the headboard and the wall lest the pesky neighbors get perturbed by connubial bliss (though this one may be better as a bachelorette party gift).
- Bar cart accessories and basic mixers (vermouth and bitters at a minimun) is optional in New York City while drinking is necessary, especially during brutal winters and too-hot-to-leave-the-A/C summers.
- Those fit-under-the-bed plastic bins for hiding the frat shirts he refuses to throw out and the pre-wedding jeans she will soon outgrow once she lets herself eat solid foods again.
- Packtite portable bed bug killing heater unit, because maybe Ethiopia wasn't the best place to honeymoon after all.
- A hanging digital picture frame -- because all the portraits from the wedding are so awesome but there's enough wall space to display just one at a time.
- A seltzer machine, because who needs a coffee maker when there's a Starbucks on every corner?
- Gift certificate to the nearest dry cleaner: Just because his mother ironed his shirts doesn't mean his wife has to.
- Airplane vouchers or hotel gift certificates, because, much like a spouse, NYC is sometimes (and for brief intervals) best appreciated from afar.
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