Read our all-time scariest real estate stories (if you dare)

This being the weekend when spirits walk the earth, kids hit up the local bodega for candy they don't have to pay for, and drunker-than-usual adults roam the streets in full costume, we're revisiting some our more (ahem) haunting stories to get in the mood. Read at your own risk:
- First up, the kind of horror stories that hit closer to home for most New Yorkers than anything involving a chainsaw: those of the roommate-related variety. (One of them even involves a knife-throwing nut job.)
- Yes, it's harder to sell an apartment if it's got a scary history (or a reputation for ghosts), but why are we not surprised to learn that most NYC buyers are willing to look the other way if the price is right?
- Let's never forget the time we found a Craigslist ad for a "beautiful but haunted farmhouse with vineyard." The perfect weekend getaway, if you're willing to abide by their "no seances" policy.
- If you still haven't watched the "Ghost Realtor" episode of Nathan For You, please dedicate the next 11 minutes of your day to this project.
- If you live near the 9/11 memorial, you may have to deal with "spirits that can't move on" in your apartment (at least, if you believe one renter's holy water-toting ex-girlfriend).
- We still think this eerie, haunted mansion on Staten Island is a great investment, ghosts and all.
- Bring in a "Brownstone Detective" to investigate the history of your home, and you just might find out, oh, that a murderous "giantess" once lived, loved, and stabbed where you now watch Netflix and order takeout.
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