3 listings photos you've got to see to believe

Some real estate listing photos are out of focus and others are just awkward (a close-up of the bathroom sink but no bedroom pics?). And plenty more are simply laughably bad. Andy Donaldson, the man behind the Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs blog and book, specializes in finding the latter.
We interviewed Donaldson back in May, when he told us about his favorite weird listing photos (the ones with pets in them), and opened our eye to the fact that many French listings have toilets in weird places. (Vive la difference?!?)
We immediately became hooked, and wanted more. So we'll feature several weird and wacky listings straight from Donaldson each week, presented with his commentary. Prepare to be surprised, and maybe even slightly disturbed. Let's start with these:
This property features a fully fitted kitchen, as viewed here by a drunk man lying on the floor.
To attract buyers, always decorate in neutral tones, avoid patterns and strong colours. Or make every room look like the inside of a migraine. Your choice.
Legend speaks of a ghostly figure, casually dressed and looking impatient.
Talking really bad listing photos, with the man who made them famous