Would you rather have an open kitchen or a galley kitchen?

NYC apartment dwellers are more familiar with clever space design than our suburban counterparts. Some may sneer at the concept of a kitchen originally meant for tight ships, or one where kitchen and dining room are one room, but New Yorkers really embrace any way to make the most of our spaces.
So we asked: Would you rather have a galley kitchen, or an open kitchen?
- Open I'd love to have an open kitchen with a big island with seating separating it from the dining area. It's a cliche, but it's true that everybody gathers in the kitchen anyway during parties, so that way the person cooking doesn't have to be separated from the party. Instead the party is in the kitchen and becomes more relaxed. -Jodie, Harlem
- Galley I like the idea a kitchen being a bit separated from where ever the food is being served. That way you can hide the mess a bit for a party...but also you can hide some of your "sins". Like using pre-grated parmesan cheese before sticking something in the oven or chicken bouillon instead of chicken stock. I have some real foodie friends! - Moira, Upper West Side
- Open An open kitchen layout is really conducive to how most people live their lives. Imagine a parent being able to keep an eye on their kids while also getting stuff done in the kitchen. And when people come over (we never have huge formal parties) the point is to talk and catch up. An open kitchen layout also feels so nice and open. I think it makes an apartment feel bigger. -Tracy, Midtown West
- Galley People love open kitchens and I don't understand it. Smells all over the place and grease air everywhere. If you burn something or cook something that produces a lot of smoke, then a separate kitchen, even a galley kitchen, is a more valuable space. Most galley kitchens I know also have more storage than open ones. -Kyle, Upper West Side
- Open In a small apartment like mine, an open kitchen is really the best layout for function and also to make it feel larger. And since I really believe in city living and using space better, I think open kitchen is the way to go. - Dana, Clinton
Results: Open kitchen: 3, Galley kitchen: 2
Winner (by a hair): Open Kitchen!
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