9 reasons Halloween is better in NYC

Television shows and movies would have you think that Halloween in the suburbs is where it's at. We personally think that trick or treating in the city beats the 'burbs anytime. Below, 9 reasons why Halloween is better in the Big Apple. Maybe we should rename it the Big Pumpkin.
- We've got the most candy per square inch. A street with 20 houses spaced apart...or a 22 story building with 15 apartments on each floor? You decide.
- You don't have to feel guilty about eating said candy -- 364 days a year we walk about 10 times more than our suburban counterparts.
- Halloween is actually celebrated on Halloween--no town council to declare it will be on October 28.
- It's an easy transition from wholesome kid Halloween to sexy drunken adult Halloween. Mommy hands out the last candy bar, says goodnight to kids, puts on daughter's girl scout costume with heels, heads to a bar.
- Neither rain nor sleet nor snow will interfere as the kiddos stay toasty and dry trick or treating indoors....and they don't have to cover up their costumes with coats.
- The East 78th Street decorating contest: Kids get candy and spooky surprise, parents get up close and personal with townhouse real estate porn, so everybody wins.
- Decorating the front of your home--er, your front door--takes a lot fewer trips to Target and costs a lot less.
- Easy opt-out: If you're not in the mood, you just don't sign up on the sign-up sheet in the elevator. Your place won't get TP'd and there's no need to turn off all the lights in the house and hide in the dark.
- If you totally forgot to buy candy for the kids, you can always steal some from the doormen's bowl downstairs--and voila!--Scrooge no more.
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