StreetNoise Morning After Edition: Good news, bad news and a rainbow

- The good news: Insurers "flush with cash" in otherwise quiet hurricane season. The bad news: Floods in your home may not be covered. (Wall St Journal)
- Could a harbor full of oysters have prevented the flooding? (NY Times)
- The real reason why developers don't disaster-proof: "You are basically selling a downer, and no one wants a downer." (Gotham Gazette)
- Power is still out in Manhattan below W. 34th Street; restoring it could take days (Village Voice)
- ConEd breaks down the outages by borough here, saying they're triple the size of anything seen here before (ConEd)
- In case you're wondering why you haven't heard from grandpa lately, maybe you'd better check ConEd's blackout map (ConEd)
- There's no timetable for restoring mass transit yet (NY Times)
- The flooding in Greenpoint may be especially hazardous to your health, plus it's gross (
- Apartment building facade collapses on W.14th Street (Business Insider)
- ....and here's a video of the front of that building sliding right off (YouTube)
- Crane collapse at midtown trophy condo triggers evacuation of hundreds of neighbors (NY Times)
- More Zone A'ers evacuated this year than last; but evacuation centers only at 4% capacity (Crains via CurbedNY)
- Department of Silver Linings: Here's how to score a job cleaning up after Sandy (Craigslist)
6 before-and-after hurricane tips, including windows, elevators, basements and blackouts
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