Room for Improvement
Room for Improvement: A working shower would be nice

What do five New Yorkers want to change about their apartments? Leveled floors, a working shower, and some post-war charm to name a few things.
- “We have this really quirky problem where the floors in our apartment are kind of bowed and slanted, because the place is really old. So things slide around and don’t line up properly, which is frustrating.” – David, Chelsea
- “It’s really modern, and I wish that it was a little bit cozier. I have hardwood floors, and I have white walls, and there’s a lot of metal and wood. I wish that there was more detailing that you find in older apartments, like archways, rugs, and built-in places in the kitchen.” – Alecia, Williamsburg
- “My bathroom is a real pain; sometimes the shower will stop working when I really need to use it. I’ve talked to my landlord but he’s never gotten around to fixing it. I mean, the loft is really nice, and the area is great, but I’d really love a working shower.” - Gwen, Upper West Side
- “I like to have people over, and cook and entertain, but my kitchen is really small, and it gets crowded and messy pretty quickly. So a bigger kitchen would be a huge improvement.” – Ronnie, Ditmas Park
- “I’d love to have a dishwasher. [Doing the dishes] just becomes time consuming and a whole other task, and bugs come, and you’re competing with them for space all of a sudden. It would just save a lot of time and effort.” – Jacob, Park Slope
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