Heaven on the ground floor

Their legions of critics notwithstanding, ground floor apartments have some passionate defenders. This weekend on StreetEasy.com, we spied one of the more convincing arguments we've seen for lobby-level living:
"Ground floor can be ideal. True about the noise in the front if there's no setback, but in the back the quiet can be sublime, not to mention the potential for substantial outdoor space. Noise can be dealt with by installing soundproof windows and finding something that is setback from the immediate sidewalk. We see about four silverfish a year, always coming up from the drains, and yes it took some mice proofing to deal with one year of a couple critters making it in. BUT... not having to climb stairs, or even share elevators is fantastic. Privacy tends to be much higher also. You can lose some light depending on the configuration but if you're able to step out a back door onto a garden or patio it makes up for that in spades. There's also something that no one ever talks about, after 30 years of always having someone living under me it was a real joy to know that there was only solid ground beneath my feet and that myself, the kids and the dog could clomp around in heavy boots to our hearts content and not disturb anyone underneath us. Find a place with outdoor space, a private groundfloor entrance and a decent ceiling height and you're in urban heaven."
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Why it doesn't completely suck to live on the ground floor
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