Cool Stuff: A better way to zap your mouse problem

It’s been about a decade since we’ve personally dealt with mice, but (don't hate us!) we’re still haunted by the hideous choice we faced back then: Clobber the glue-trapped creatures to death with a phone book or toss them alive and squealing down the garbage shoot, where they faced a slower and arguably crueler end.
So while perusing the Brownstoner forum today, we were excited to run across ringing endorsements of the Rat (and mouse) Zapper, something we would have liked to have back then.
There are several varieties of zappers listed for sale on Amazon, but the principle is the same: Bait the trap with food, mouse (or rat) walks in, gets zapped, and then dumped by you. No blood, no gore, no poisons, and the traps sell for around $50.
For a fuller discussion of mouse-riddance techniques, check out the Brownstoner thread.
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