Fresh Direct tipping not just for schmucks...the rent-buy pretzel...your property manager is having a nervous breakdown, and more
- Most people tip the Fresh Direct guy (unless he pees in the stairwell)... ( forum)
- …and if you don't tip the doorman, well, better hope the fridge lasts ( forum)
- Will nitrous oxide gangs replace nightclubs as the newest neighborhood nuisance? (
- 'Nothing makes you a real New Yorker like getting f***ed by a locksmith' ( forum)
- Apartment taking too long to sell? Dullify it! (NYTimes)
- NYC sales prices 'crawling softly upward' …(NY Magazine)
- …but buying is cheaper than renting... (NY1)
- ….except you still can't get a mortgage, which is why NYC rents will stay so crazy high you'd be crazy not to buy (amNY)
- City violation blitz literally driving property managers insane (
- Forget closing costs. The cost of walking away before closing on a new condo ain't pretty either. ( forum)
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