'Tis the season: What to consider if you’re selling this winter

… The winter months arent typically the prime time to sell your New York City apartment The longaccepted guidance … away There can be some upsides to selling nownamely your home will be one of the few on the market and there will … coats during a showing making sure to clear that with your neighbors The same goes for putting kids bikes and sleds in …

By Evelyn Battaglia |December 18, 2024 - 9:45AM
How are sellers getting deals done in a market that favors no one?

… up from last years 3 percent historic low Interestingly NYC prices have not taken a major hit The median price of a … glean if you need to put a place on the market now Brick checked in with brokers to hear about recent successful … For others it can mean switching a sales listing to the currently redhot rental market And because sellers are under …

By Jennifer White Karp |September 13, 2022 - 3:00PM