11 things NYC landlords are required to provide, and 11 they’re not that might surprise you

… ​​If you are moving into a New York City rental apartment for the first time its best to have a clear idea of what your landlord is required to provide Heat and hot water … shouldnt have to put up with unlivable conditions but window blinds Dont count on finding those On the other hand …

By Jennifer White Karp |June 7, 2024 - 10:45AM
Squatters made our life hell so we're fixing our building and kicking our landlord out

… ceiling collapses from toilets overflowing from having been used by people who were squatting in those apartments  The … They were broken open our mail was stolen and we havent had functioning mailboxes for months New mail boxes are … working  The vestibulea four feet square spaceis commonly used for people to defecate urinate to get high to sleep …

By Emily Myers |September 7, 2022 - 9:30AM