A lottery opens for 86 units at a senior housing complex on the Lower East Side
- Rents start at $654 for a studio apartment
- At least one member of the household must be 62 or older
- Eligible income ranges from $25,372 to $84,070

Rents start at $654 for a studio at 64 Norfolk St., a senior housing development.
Applications are open through the affordable housing lottery for 86 newly constructed apartments at 64 Norfolk St., a housing development for seniors on the Lower East Side. Rents start at $654 a month for a studio. Eligible applicants for this lottery must earn from $25,372 to $84,070 depending on the size of the household.
There are 20 studios available for renters with incomes from $32,263 to $53,400, depending on the number of people in the household. The rent for these apartments is $855.
The stabilized apartments are studios and one bedrooms set aside for households earning from 40 to 70 percent of the area median income (AMI). This varies depending on how many people you live with. Currently the AMI for New York City is $106,800 for a two-person household.
Each apartment is equipped with energy-efficient appliances including a dishwasher as well as high end countertops and finishes. Building amenities include an a lounge, game room, yoga or activity room, a social services office, and a shared laundry room. The nearest subway station is Delancey St-Essex St for the F, J, M and Z trains. There's also nearby access to the M9 and M14A bus services.
All the rent-stabilized apartments will go to households where at least one member is aged 62 years and older. The developers have set aside 50 percent of the affordable apartments for those who live in the community. There is also a 5 percent preference for NYC employees. A small percentage of apartments will be allocated to applicants with mobility, vision, and hearing needs.
Applications must be submitted online or postmarked no later than December 5th.
If you’re interested and think you might qualify for one of these apartments, you can create a profile and apply online via NYC Housing Connect. For details on this particular lottery, click here. Don’t apply more than once, or you could be disqualified.
Winning one of these rent-stabilized apartments can be life changing: Rent increases are capped and lease renewals are automatic, providing long-term affordability for NYC renters. Need more information on how the housing lottery works? Check out “6 steps for applying to NYC's affordable housing lottery.”
For some advice from successful applicants read “How to land a rental apartment through NYC's affordable housing lottery.” And if you or someone you know is having trouble with the application process, consider reaching out to a housing ambassador in the community.
Note: Brick Underground is in no way affiliated with New York City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development or the Housing Development Corporation. If you are interested in applying to these or other affordable housing developments, please go to NYC Housing Connect for information and instructions.
Have you successfully won an apartment through the affordable housing lottery? If you have first-person advice to share about the process, we’d love to hear from you. Please send us an email. We respect all requests for anonymity.
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