The Brick Underground Podcast Episode 10: It's tipping season in NYC
Tipping during the holidays is as embedded in the New York City living experience as roommating or bad-neighbors stories. Vertical living, even if that means just being one of two apartments in a two-unit brownstone, means relying on the help and good graces of others who deserve a show of thanks at the end of the year. There's the super who comes to your leaking faucet's rescue at a moment's notice, or the porter who keeps the hallways clean, or the doorman who always seems to be there when you've run out of arms to carry things back to your apartment.
But just because it's part of the way things are done here—unless you live in your own townhouse and are so handy yourself you don't ever employ any help from gardeners or contractors (but even then, there's the trash collector and the newspaper delivery person)—doesn't make tipping season any easier, or less stressful.
Even among those of us who aren't as financially constricted, the practice can be fraught with logistical nightmares: Can you give different amounts to different building staff? Do you have to give more than you did the previous year? Do they keep track of your gifts?
Here's where we come to the rescue: For this episode of the Brick Underground podcast, Teri Karush Rogers, Brick's founder, and senior contributing editor Lucy Cohen Blatter sit down with podcast host Jhoanna Robledo to discuss the intricacies of tipping. (Consider this episode an audio addendum to our comprehensive, and long-running, tipping guide.) And after, we interview a Manhattan doorman about what his job entails, and what he thinks about the practice of tipping.
Listen to the podcast below (or download for later listening on our website or via iTunes and Stitcher):
This podcast was produced by Jenny Falcon and Jhoanna Robledo. Many thanks to all of you for listening in, and for your story suggestions.
Tune in next year for a new season of the podcast—and if you have a great tale about navigating NYC's maze of a real estate market, or about life in this sometimes-frustrating-but-always-fascinating city, comment on this post or email us at: [email protected].
And happy holidays!
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