Best sites to find a roommate, top nabes for rental searches, & more

This week, Brick Underground readers were interested in our updated guide to the best websites for finding a roommate.
Because a good roommate can make or break your living situation in New York City—it’s wise to take finding a match seriously. These sites allow you to cast a wide net and sort potential roommates by lifestyle preferences, setting you up for a better experience.
Also of interest: A look at the top NYC neighborhoods in which renters are seeking apartments with data from listings site RentHop.
Here are this week's top five posts:
1) The top 11 websites for finding your ideal roommate in NYC
2) Astoria crowned hottest neighborhood for NYC rental hunters
3) How do we get compensated for damage to our apartment by work on our building's façade?
4) How to care for your vacation rental property when you don't live nearby