A Gowanus smell map, paying your parents' mortgage, and more

… the script what happens when children want to pay their  parents  mortgages WSJ Why wait till youre married to start buying property NY Mag Secrets of the hyperhistoric Morris Jumel mansion in Washington Heights AM NY An … proposed neighborhood rezonings City Limits What you can rent around the boroughs for $1500month AM NY Get …

By Virginia K. Smith |February 26, 2016 - 10:59AM
The diehard Brooklynites behind Twig Terrariums dish on Grubhub dependence, the appeal of the Greenwood Cemetery, and more

… apartmentfriendly flora to the DIYminded New Yorker with a howto book and a running series of workshops and classes to … my favorite aspect of the apartment is that its made to order Builtin shelves for all my books and collections a …

By Virginia K. Smith |August 6, 2015 - 1:59PM
12 of the best NYC neighborhoods for recent college grads: 2014 edition

… tend to feel a little copyandpasted and are typically home to noisy crowds of college kids with nothing better to … and nightlife of Williamsburg without requiring that you sell any major organs to afford the rent says Rapid Realtys … else Relocating to New York Cityor know someone who is FAQs brokers can and cant answer Rejected by a landlord …

By Katharine Ulrich |December 23, 2014 - 8:59AM
The 22 Best New York City Neighborhood Blogs

… Filling the gap is a vibrant ecosystem of n eighborhood blogs that cater to new transplants and lifelong residents … per neighborhoodsurprise surprise there are a lot of bloggers based in North Brooklyn But even if your corner of … … Bushwick Daily … Since  BushwickBKs untimely demise in 2011 Bushwick Daily has been the only game in town and …

By Virginia K. Smith |December 22, 2014 - 10:59AM