Small feels big in this Greenwich Village aerie

Our Co-op Picks of the Week tend to the grand because, let's face it, who doesn't fantasize about more square footage in this dense and packed city? But this apartment at 25 Fifth Avenue, which has only been on the market for less than a month through Compass, gave us pause: Though it only has one bedroom (and one bath), it has the bearing and swagger of a bigger co-op, thanks to generously sized rooms—the living room has nearly 240 square feet—that give it graceful proportions, and a 16th floor perch that suffuses it with light.
It helps, too, that one wall of the living room is partially lined by floor-to-ceiling mirrors that reflect back all that sunlight. Painting the room a bright white also lightens the room, especially juxtaposed against the dark stained floors.

The bedroom doesn't want for space at just under 200 square feet. The ceilings are tall, too, which heighten the room's volume.

There are no photos available of the kitchen, so you'll need to investigate with a visit, and it's also not much more than a galley, judging from the floorplan. The bathroom has a shower, not a tub, but it has been remade, too, with a modern new finish.

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