OneBowl to rule them all (and save space in your kitchen)

In a small New York City kitchen, every appliance and dish needs to serve more than one purpose. The appropriately named OneBowl (which we found while perusing Kickstarter) is a microwave-safe bowl with a built-in strainer and a snap-on lid. Basically, you can cook, drain, eat and carry your food--all in one vessel. It works best for noodles, fruit and oatmeal, according to the designer, Justin Herd.
Above, the OneBowl has multiple functions, saving space in a tiny kitchen
Herd created the OneBowl while he was a student, living on the popular Ramen diet. The bowl is BPA-free and dishwasher safe. Note, though, that it can't be used to cook on the stove or in the oven, as the plastic would melt.
They've got 9 days to go to meet their goal of $50,000 and are about $20,000 away.