Would You Rather?
Would you rather have a city, park or river view?

It goes without saying that most (if not all) New Yorkers appreciate a nice view--especially since so many of us stare out at airshafts and brick walls. For this edition of "Would You Rather," we decided to find out the kinds of views New Yorkers covet most--city, park or river "vu"?
- City: "I'd rather have full, open city views than any partial river or park view. Even if it's a full view of a green park or the river, the city view is so pretty at night, and makes you feel part of this vibrant city." -Fe, Morningside Heights
- City: "I'd love city views like you see in movies. I'd like them to be like what you'd see from Top of the Rock. Actually you see the park then, too, but it looks more like a mini golf course. I like being in the park, but above the city." -Ryan, Upper West Side
- River: "I loved Riverside Drive as an area, and I would love to live there for the river. The water can have a calming effect. But the apartments there are loud. And I'm told it is extremely cold by the river in the winter. And Riverside is so far from the subway. But the river is nice to look at." -Alexey, Harlem
- Park: "Central Park views! My dream apartment would be an apartment on Central Park West that can see the seasons changes--and also look down onto the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!" -Elaine, Upper West Side
- City: "Open city views--there is nothing like it in the world. I especially love sight of the water towers on top of all the houses. And it's kind of cool how you can see into some peoples’ homes!" -Kerstin, Upper East side
The consensus: City views -3, Park views-1, River views-1. Winner: City views.
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