Subletting can cost you your insurance coverage, stalk your celebrity neighbors more easily, and more

- Subletting, renovating and other fun things that can cost your insurance coverage (NY1)
- Channel your inner celebrity stalker and find the one living nearest you (Rentenna)
- Condo/co-op prop tax abatement program gets reprieve, extended thru 2015 (CNYC)
- Garbage disposals, still a rare, coveted amenity in NYC (New York Times)
- Pimp out your apt to a "revolving door of complete strangers" and the board could sue you (NY Post)
- ...or, if your luxury spa building is held together with spit and a prayer, sue the building (NY Post)
- Board tries to evict tenant who complained when neighbor turned hallway into a romper room (DNAinfo)
- It's not always such a swell idea to snatch up an apt when the bldg is being converted from a rental (Malcolm Carter)
- Brokers feeling warm and fuzzy about their employment prospects (REBNY)
- ...meanwhile, tight credit is behind those rising real estate prices (Miller Samuel)
- Where are all the apartments going? Inventory is falling (Curbed)
- ...meanwhile are we in another housing bubble? (The Real Deal)
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