Lazy doormen, delinquent supers still rake in the tips, according to holiday poll

Seems when it comes to NYC apartment building tipping, it doesn't matter too much whether you're a naughty or nice staffer.
At least not according to the 400+ voters who've participated in BrickUnderground's naughty vs. nice holiday tipping poll so far.
Three-fourths say they still hand out tips to "bad" doormen (mostly in the $25-$50 category, less than good and average doormen) and about 60 percent are tipping delinquent supers (mostly in the $25-$100 range).
We've also noticed that 7 percent of people are not tipping their favorite doorman at all, and 14 percent are not tipping their super-star super at all.
To examine the results in detail, take our 5-second poll yourself.
If you are one of the vast majority tipping building staff this year, remember that there is no better time to request favors than when handing over an envelope full of cash. Now's the time to ask the staff to wash your windows, touch up your paint, hang pictures, shelves or mirrors, even feed the cat when you're away on your holiday vacation. For more ideas, read this.
And for more on tipping, take a look at some of our most popular tipping posts:
- BrickUnderground's 2012 Holiday Tipping Guide
- BrickUnderground's Naughty vs Nice 2012 Holiday Tipping Poll
- What happens to bad tippers
- Tipping pools: How they work and who they work for
- Here's how 16 New Yorkers decide how much to tip
- Is holiday tipping really necessary?
- A Doorman Speaks: 7 holiday tipping rules for staff and residents
- The BrickUnderground Guide to Alternative Tipping
- Yes, Virginia, renters DO tip less than owners: Here's how much