Do the roommate thing right

For many New Yorkers, roommates are a necessity for making city life affordable.
In fact, we've done the math, and found that living WITHOUT a roommate in the Big Apple can be a pretty pricey prospect (around $35,000 per year after taxes to be exact).
So this week's SurvivalList covers all things roommate-related, including accounts of (and advice for) sharing a railroad apartment with roommates, and even sharing a studio with a total stranger (to that we say: Only in New York!).
But finding someone with whom you can happily co-exist is not always easy. Luckily, there are several ways you to do it: through roommate-search sites, a speed-roommating service or good ole' Craigslist (although, be forewarned: sometimes it's not so good).
Before you co-sign any lease, though, you may want to check out our list of five roommates to avoid at all costs.
If you've already found the roommate and now need to find the apartment, we've also got several pieces of advice on apartment hunting with the roommate in tow: Rule #1: BRING them when you look; Rule #2: Sync up with them on the important issues. You may even find it helpful to sign a "roommate prenup" before taking the plunge.
But no matter how much you prepare, some issues will undoubtedly pop up as you live together -- like, what if your roommate's sex life is a bit too in your face? Or what if he/she refuses to replace the toilet paper?
Hopefully these, and additional posts below, will help alleviate all of your roommate worries.
Finding a roommate
- 5 roommate-specific websites
- A roommate walks into a bar...
- Craigslist: The mother of all roommate sites
- 5 roommates to avoid
Hunting for an apartment with a roommate in tow
How to live with a roommate