Bed bugs reunite Upper East Side woman with missing $10,000

Flipping through the latest issue of the Cooperator this morning, we ran across this heartwarming bed bug tale.
A pest control team prepping an elderly Upper East Side woman's apartment for bed bug treatment last month apparently unearthed more than $10,000 in cash hidden on the top shelf a closet. The money was stashed inside two envelopes underneath stacks of clothes.
The elderly resident had "hidden it in the closet years ago and forgotten it was even there," reports the Cooperator. "The woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, was ecstatic and grateful...."
Ecstatic and grateful--not words usually associated with a bed bug least, not until the bugs are dead and gone.
The Cooperator's June issue is not yet let online, but more details about the incident are available on the website of the pest control company, Assured Environment.
Related posts:
Dating with bed bugs, the new STD
Bed bug prep services: What they are and how to use them
The price of bed bugs: $4,100, extermination not included