How to nag your board: Don't.

You've dropped hints, both subtle and not so, about the water pressure or your neighbor's vocal dachshund. You've written a letter or two, even cornered the co-op board president in the elevator to complain. As The Cooperator accurately points out, board members hate that. You will have more success going through the proper channels. Here's what The Cooperator suggests:
- For building-related complaints, first contact the super or doorman. For complaints involving neighbors, see if you can amicably discuss and resolve the matter in person.
- If that doesn't work, present your complaint to the building's managing agent in writing to create a paper trail for tracking the progress, or lack thereof. (For advice on how to get your managing agent to listen, see BrickUnderground's How to get your managing agent's attention.)
- Be patient. Some problems may need time to fix. Structural problems involving the building or your apartment may require hiring professionals to assess the problem, and then someone to perform the repairs. Complain to the managing agent first; pester the board as a last resort.
- If you're still not satisfied, some buildings (but not all) allow owners to attend occasional meetings at which they are allowed to share their concerns. In extreme situations, where a number of owners feel that the board is inattentive or unwilling to address their concerns, it may be time to call a special meeting to replace the board.
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