Don't let your B'klyn pooch pee on the neighbor's gate

A Brooklynite who doesn't like it when dogs relieve themselves on the iron gates in front of his/her townhouse asks the folks on Brownstoner's forum whether such concerns are "overly sensitive." Not at all, say most of the 34 people who've responded so far, who appear to be a fairly even split of dog-owners to non-dog-owners. "Not only does it corrode the fence, it burns whatever is growing in the garden in that location," explains one. "You are not being oversensitive; the dog owners are being obnoxious and self absorbed. The same people who are saying its OK are those who would be outraged if I brought my child to pee on their gate."
The suggestions offered run the gamut from installing an electric fence, to moving from a corner townhouse to a condo, to limiting expectations for selfish dog owners, to putting a "Curb your dog--this means you!" sign on the fence. Other commenters remind us that dogs are hardwired to pee where others have peed before, a cycle that's not easily broken. (