Are marble floors the answer to overheated apartments?

One NYC apartment dweller thinks so. Having just returned from Florida enamored of the feel of cool stone on bare feet to an apartment that hits 90 degrees all year long, the StreetEasy commenter believes a living area wholly floored in marble sounds attractive. Others are not so sure.
For one thing, marble floors are slippery and need to be sealed every eight months or so. For another, it could be a killer when resale rolls around: "Marble floors throughout a UWS classic 7 would make your apartment a 'no bid' for many buyers, and might cost you 5% of your resale value. That's because most potential buyers would bake in the cost and hassle of ripping out your marble and replacing it with wood - except maybe in the foyer. The ultimate buyer might be somebody who likes the marble, but you would still take the resale hit for knocking out so many potential bidders." However, s/he notes, your mileage may vary depending on the sociodemographic: "In Trump Tower, the impact might be quite different." (
It's 7 degrees outside. Inside, your apartment is a sweat lodge.