NYC apartment dwellers need more places to hook up, apparently

Nationally speaking, the top five places to look for love in an apartment building are the pool, the laundry room, common-area social fuctions, parking lots and onsite gyms, according to a new poll by, the apartment rental site.
This is bad news for most of our single friends. New York City's dearth of Loveboat-style “apartment communities” pretty much restricts same-building cruising to the laundry room and in some cases the building gym.
Still, after reading this, we feel more grateful than deprived about the fact that we don’t have a pool, a.k.a. luv tub.
“Those UVA rays are known to pump people up with positive energy, and the fact that everyone’s already scantily clad just makes flirting that much more natural,” the press explains.
The truth is--and we believe we are not alone in this--we don’t really want to see our New York City neighbors scantily clad. Riding down the elevator nose-to-neck-stubble is up close and personal enough, thanks.
Still, for those New Yorkers who stumble on romance at the same address, offers a few pointers for closing the deal:
- Find a common topic to talk about like a new rule in the building, a neighbor everyone hates, or a dog that won’t stop barking
- In the laundry room, don’t sort your dirty underwear in plain view of the person you’re trying to meet
- Always get tarted up before checking the mail
- Nervous? Just relax and focus on all the money you’ll save on cab fare (but not so much on the fortune you’ll spend to move when your little romance implodes)
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