8 ways to boost your building’s curb appeal

When you see something day after day, it can be hard to notice its gradual descent into shabbiness. But with buyers choosier than ever now, buildings concerned about their resale values attend to their curb appeal like finicky gardeners fussing over their flower beds.
And with many contractors and vendors charging up to 20-30 percent less than a year ago, acting now makes smart fiscal sense too.
Herewith, some tips for putting the zip back into your address:
1. Shampoo or replace grungy rugs in the lobby or hallways. Polish marble floors.
2. Get your doormen proper uniforms and remind them to polish their shoes along with their Ps and Qs—a service-oriented staff is worth its weight in union salaries and benefits.
3. Give your elevator a facelift: Update the paneling, lighting and floors to make it feel newer and bigger.
4. Apply a fresh coat of paint to the lobby and hallways.
5. Thoroughly clean overlooked spots like the stairwells, bikeroom, laundry room, and garbage areas.
6. Make sure your lightbulbs all share the same color spectrum. Update wall sconces.
7. Update lobby furniture. You just need a few nice pieces that don’t look as if Pat Benatar is going to come screaming around the corner at any moment.
8. Landscape the tree pits outside your building and consider putting planters around your entrance. It’s cheaper than you think. Pricier but highly impressionable: Fresh flowers in the lobby.