This week we are rolling out BrickTank, a new homeowner resource that gets experts to answer to your questions on the BrickBlog: Send us your homeowning questions and we will answer as many as we can (about two each week to start) with the help of a relevant expert.
At first, we will dig up answers through old-fashioned reporting. But over the coming weeks we will be assembling a panel of experts--the BrickTank--to provide cross-disciplinary feedback to your questions.
If you would like to be a BrickTank expert, please drop us a note through our Feedback form. We are looking for experienced NYC managing agents, real estate lawyers, current or former board members, architects, contractors, plumbers, electricians, doormen/doorwomen, superintendents, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and probably some other types of experts that we haven’t thought of yet. All we ask is that you weigh in on one or two emailed topics a week if you have something to say. In addition to earning the gratitude of the Brick community, you will be listed on our site as a charter member of our BrickTank panel of experts.
Owners– please send your homeowning questions to questions at brickunderground.com. Experts – please contact us through our Feedback form.
At first, we will dig up answers through old-fashioned reporting. But over the coming weeks we will be assembling a panel of experts--the BrickTank--to provide cross-disciplinary feedback to your questions.
If you would like to be a BrickTank expert, please drop us a note through our Feedback form. We are looking for experienced NYC managing agents, real estate lawyers, current or former board members, architects, contractors, plumbers, electricians, doormen/doorwomen, superintendents, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and probably some other types of experts that we haven’t thought of yet. All we ask is that you weigh in on one or two emailed topics a week if you have something to say. In addition to earning the gratitude of the Brick community, you will be listed on our site as a charter member of our BrickTank panel of experts.
Owners– please send your homeowning questions to questions at brickunderground.com. Experts – please contact us through our Feedback form.
Brick Underground articles occasionally include the expertise of, or information about, advertising partners when relevant to the story. We will never promote an advertiser's product without making the relationship clear to our readers.