Veronica X.
ContactPosts by Veronica X.:
It stands to reason that if you are paying the same amount for a NYC 2-bedroom as you would for a mansion in middle America, what you see when you look out is as important as what you see when you look in. Just make sure to see for yourself.
You have a new roomie, and, still in the honeyroom phase, you choose your words very carefully when she/he does something that bugs you. For example, when your roommate...
It is summertime and the city feels, well, empty. You know the super is on vacation when...
Not everyone has a knack for picking out paint. You'll know it's time to hit the color wheel again when....
Most New Yorkers know to give the super a little something extra when moving in as a goodwill gesture toward a future of speedy repairs and other assistance. You know your new next-door neighbor tipped really well when...