Julie Inzanti
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The Kindle may be replacing books and sparing trees, but the appeal of a built-in bookcase remains (we hope) eternal. From a snug corner book-nook to a towering wall of tomes, here are a few great examples from New York City apartments currently on the market.
Freeform dining on the living room sofa has its charms. So does this selection of informal dining nooks. From basic banquettes to a breakfast room overlooking a private garden, they're a happy, informal compromise of couch and dining table.
Natural light in NYC is not a myth. We've seen it. Here are some amazing windows, from two-story walls of glass to dramatic arched windows. Take a look.
For many self-employed New Yorkers, "corner office" means a desk crammed unceremoniously into the corner of a bedroom or living room. The home-office examples gathered above are an entirely different species. And while the total absence of clutter leads us to wonder whether any work has ever been done in these spaces, we can certainly fantasize about hanging our name on the door.
In NYC, stairs are usually to be avoided unless you're on a health kick. (Think 4th floor walkup.) There are, however, exceptions to every rule--like these six staircases that make an art form out of upward mobility.