6 homes with private saunas or steam rooms to keep winter (and the flu) at bay

The sauna and steam rooms of this single-family townhouse at 46 East 83rd Street (on the market for $19.995 million) are located down the hall from the private wine cellar, so you fix yourself a hot toddy after a sweat session.
Flu season is, unfortunately, upon us. You can start by arming yourself with plenty of fluids, boxes of tissues, and an arsenal of pain relievers, cough expectorants, and nasal decongestants. Better yet, take it one step further and sweat out the toxins from the hot and humid comfort of your own personal sauna or steam rooms. Here, a few apartments that have you covered.

For those with enough energy for a workout while battling colds and flu, this sauna within a six-bedroom townhouse at 3 East 94th Street (asking price $29.5 million) is conveniently located adjacent to a fully equipped ground-floor gym.

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