What is a 'major capital improvement' and how does it affect the rent?

… not feel so happy when the see the phrase major capital improvements Thats the term used for upgrades that justify a … even in the middle of a lease The city defines an MCI as an improvement benefiting all the tenants in the building … of Housing and Community Renewal Theres generally a period where tenants are notified about the work and have an …

By Celia Young |September 11, 2024 - 10:30AM
I renewed my lease with no rent increase. Why do I have to pay extra for a new major capital improvement?

… … If your landlord has legitimately made a substantial improvement to the building they can raise your rentbut only … an extent  our  experts  say An MCIthat is a major capital improvement is an improvement that benefits all tenants in a … status MCI rent increases are prohibited in buildings where fewer than 35 percent of the apartments are …

By Alanna Schubach |November 15, 2021 - 12:30PM
I'm a rent-stabilized tenant and I got a MCI increase lowered by $159,000 for my building

… J ulia Campanelli has lived in her rentstabilized apartment on West 34th between Ninth and …

By Nikki M. Mascali |May 16, 2019 - 12:00PM