Frank Lloyd Wright and Harlem, the latest in high-tech amenities, more
See Frank Lloyd Wright's built and un-built projects through the lens of Harlem and public housing in a Columbia University exhibit up through Dec. 17th (CityLab)
The MTA is shutting down the East River E tunnel for five days over the holidays to make repairs (Daily News)
Rent-stabilized tenants in the East Village say they are choking on lead dust kicked up by their landlord's efforts to turn over apartments in their building (The Villager)
Automated parking garages, fridge cams, remote-controlled, collapsible furniture, and more high-tech amenities that New York developers are trying out (New York Times)
81 percent of public housing apartments with young children inspected in 2017 have potential lead paint hazards, according to the New York City Housing Authority (New York Post)