$250,000 bed bugs online; another co-op goes to war

For those of you pining to read all the gory details of one Manhattan co-op's $250,000 crusade against bed bugs, the full story is now online at Habitat Magazine's website.
While you're there, check out the internal memo from an anonymous co-op with 15 apartments reporting infestations in the last few weeks. Posted in Habitat's BoardTalk forum, the memo breaks the bad news and the treatment protocol to shareholders. Surely the most welcome bit: "The co-op pays for all inspections and treatments."
Related links:
Bed-bugged storage (part 1): Is your stuff safe?
Bed-bugged storage (Part II): How to protect your stuff
Co-op hair-raiser: $250,000 bed bug bill
NYC bed bug stats: A vast understatement?
Brooklyn still #1 bed bug borough; Manhattan (UWS & North) next
Your neighbor's bed bugs