A dirty thumb, a toilet close-up, and more clueless real estate listing pics

Conventional wisdom says that buyers don't respond well to listings without photos, but we're thinking in the case of these sellers, it might have been better to leave them out altogether.
This particular batch of questionable listings, as always, comes courtesy of Andy Donaldson, the man behind the Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs blog and book, complete with Donaldson's oh-so-apt commentary.
Then scan that, and take a photo of the print-out of the scan. Simple.
You can’t put a price on waking up to a view like that every morning.
That’s probably close enough. We can almost see its tonsils.
What were these sellers thinking? "Sexy" room edition
These 3 homes show some seriously questionable staging choices (staging included)
The perfect home for that narcissist in your life, a room that feels like and acid trip, and more
Talking really bad listing photos, with the man who made them famous