It's A/C season: What you need to know to chill out, problem-free

In case the occasional sleepless, sweaty night in your apartment (or artificially frigid day in your office) hasn't made it abundantly clear, air conditioning season is upon us.
To make sure you don't spend the summer troubleshooting, we've rounded up the best advice from our archives (and the rest of the Internet) on everything from installation protocol to pest control.
- A step-by-step on installing your A/C, the safe way (Habitat Magazine)
- Why you'd hire a pro to install your window unit, and who's to blame if it falls out (BrickUnderground)
- If you do get a professional installation, here's who--and how much--you should tip (BrickUnderground)
- Where to look (and what you'll pay) for a new air conditioner (Apartment Therapy)
- Got bars in your windows? There are ways around that (BrickUnderground)
- Should you drop up to $350 getting your air conditioner cleaned, or just bite the bullet and buy a new one? (BrickUnderground)
- Something you should definitely get cleaned: PTAC units, the combination air conditioners and heaters that are located against the wall (like a radiator), and act as mold and dust magnets
- Worst case scenario: how to handle it if mold does make its way into your unit... (BrickUnderground)
- ...and if unwanted pests show up to join it (BrickUnderground)
- Con-ed is offering free adapters this summer to control your A/C remotely (and save some energy, to boot) (Apple Insider)
- Plus, a few more good gadgets for keeping your energy use in check (ABC)
- And if all else fails, you can just order one from Uber (Digital Trends)
Can my landlord make me replace my A/C?
How to allergy-proof your apartment against the "pollen vortex"
Scorched yet? A few more tips on installing your window a/c
Dear Ms. Demeanor: Irreconcilable air-conditioning differences
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