A versatile—and modernist—cat bed designed for cramped NYC abodes

Not only are most cat beds fairly unattractive, they take up a lot of space, too. So what’s a New York City kitty to do? Well, she could lounge (and shed) on her owner’s couch or bed—or she can settle into a WOOZY.
The creation of Ralf Frickel, a Netherlands-based pet-lover, industrial designer and co-founder of Dutch design studio Wohood, the Woozy is a versatile hammock/bed for cats that can be hung from a radiator or set on a floor. Its minimalist design promises to take up little real estate in your apartment and its modern aesthetic is likely to fit virtually any décor. Made of beech, coated steel and washing machine-friendly recycled polyester fabric (in six colors), the Woozy claims to assemble in less than five minutes and be a cinch to clean.
With 30 days to go, there’s plenty of time to back the Woozy, which has raised 39 percent of its Kickstarter goal of €6,500 ($8,248). A pledge of €5 ($6) or more will get you a handwritten postcard from the Wohood team. A pledge of €62 ($79, plus shipping outside the Netherlands) will score you a Woozy of your own in the color of your choice. And for a whopping pledge of €650 ($841), you’ll get a custom Woozy Deluxe in a choice of wood frames, colored coated hooks and fabric shades. Expect delivery in November.
The perfect apartment for your cat
Does 'no pets' mean 'no cats'?