New developments dangle personal shoppers & rooftop beaches, the pros and cons of pocket listings, and more

Gyms are so passé. Personal Bergdorf shopper, anyone? Luxury condos offer over-the-top amenities ....(NYT)
...while on the rental side, a new Willliamsburg building sports a mini-beach and recording studio...(DNAinfo)
...And some question whether these amenities are all they're cracked up to be (NYO)
Sellers: "Pocket" listings can keep your place from getting stale--at a price (DNAinfo)
With this weather, we're all dreaming of summer by the shore. But if you're seriously considering it, you may want to get moving (NYT)
Want to boot a nasty co-op neighbor? Here are your options (Habitat; previously)
Among the things that have changed post-Sandy: Property managers are a whole lot more prepared for future disasters (NYT)
Who needs upstate New York when you can rent a cabin right here in Williamsburg for $3,500 a month? (Curbed)
Graffiti -- eyesore or potential boost for your property values? (Fast Company)