It just got easier to enter the affordable housing lottery--and harder to win; more foes for Airbnb users, and more

New NYC housing site simplifies lottery registration for affordable housing--but is that a good thing? (New York Observer; NY Daily News)
Hotels prepare to crack down on their Airbnb competition (Crain's)
Don't just sign on the dotted line: Here's why you should read that lease closely (NY1; previously)
Sorry, Ikea. NYC launches program to encourage locally made furniture (New York Times)
Think your studio is small? Check out this garage-turned-apartment in London. Oh, and it's not cheap either (Daily Mail)
Want out? Tips for legally breaking your lease (AOL Real Estate; previously)
Still no shades on Cobble Hill resident's full-frontal shower (CBS News)
A Hell's Kitchen co-op is irked by the CityBench in front of their building, now that a homeless woman has taken up residence on it (DNA Info)
Dealing with neighborly trash problems stinks (Daily News)
A City Councilman wants the city to get serious about building affordable housing in Brooklyn (Brokelyn)
You know how you know a neighborhood is sick of high-end developments? When residents prefer a prison (New York Times)