The Market
How not to be a real estate agent

A buyer looking for an investment property in Manhattan is particularly unimpressed with the brokers encountered thus far, and offers some feedback on Others chime in, producing a pocket guide to good/bad broker behavior, including but not limited to:
- DO understand that when making a big purchase, nothing is more laughable than a broker saying, "Do you want to put in an offer?" after having just walked through a unit for the first time.
- DON'T lie that you have an offer out and the buyer needs to put an offer ASAP to get the apartment.
- DO arrange a showing for a time when other building amenties such as gym, play room, etc can also be seen.
- DON'T always try to sell us the most expensive unit even when when it's within our range. Nothing gets a new owner more pissed than learning he/she overpaid
- DO know comps in the building or in the nearby area so you can educate us or explain why the unit is a good proposition. Just "showing" a unit doesn't add much value
- If you DON'T know the answer to my questions, DO say "I don't know but I'll try to find out"--and then DO it.
- DON'T steer me to a listing just because it's your agency's.
- Always smell like lavender and have blonde hair.
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