NYT names BrickUnderground a top online resource for NYC renters

Many thanks to The New York Times for including BrickUnderground in its "High-Tech Lowdown" for first-time NYC renters. The paper of record directs apartment hunters to our Renter's Survival Kit as well as specific posts on no-fee apartment hunting tactics, the seven worst places to live in a building, and the perfect letter of recommendation for a landlord, in addition to BrickUnderground's Rental Rookie series.
Other sites attracting a shout-out: CurbedNY (for getting a "feel for the rough and tumble of real estate"), NabeWise (for finding the right neighborhood), HotPads (for finding a neighborhood you can afford), plus several sites for finding actual apartment listings--NYTimes, StreetEasy, Naked Apartments and RentHop--and a new one, Rentenna.com, that aims to rate individual apartment buildings.
For renters trying to keep their search organized, BrickUnderground would also like to direct your attention to a new online tool, Nestio.com, that lets you organize and compare the listings you like all in one place.
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