How to Manhattanize a Brooklyn brownstone, short-term rentals will cost you, and more
- If MLS doesn't work, you could always advertise your apt on your shirt (Brownstoner)
- Short-term rentals will cost you (The New York Times)
- ...and so will 3-bedrooms (The New York Times)
- And you thought the UWS mosquitos were bad... the bees are coming (Curbed NY via NY Post)
- Getting folks to stop doing it in the alley next to the new school is harder than you think (Brooklyn Paper)
- Cheap rent guide: get an illegal sublet, don't pay rent for 3 years, then move to bklyn (NY Post)
- It is a really, really bad idea to run a commercial fish farm out of your apt (Habitat Magazine)
- A guide to Manhattanizing a Brooklyn Brownstone (Brownstoner)
- The property manager goes public, tenants and staff gets screwed (UrbanBaby)
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