Here are 10 places to live where you'll ALWAYS get a taxi

As taxi-hailing New Yorkers, we were fascinated by The Everything Guide to Taxis in this week's NY Magazine. (Warning: Do not read How Gross is Your Taxi unless you plan to travel with Purell for the rest of your life.).
From a real estate perspective, if you depend on taxis as a regular mode of transportation, you may want to focus your next apartment search on the 10 areas in Manhattan and Brooklyn where taxis are always plentiful, according to the article.
These include areas adjacent to the 4 free bridges into Manhattan (59th Street Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, Manhattan Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge), Bergen Street and Clinton Streets in Brooklyn, and East 1st Street near First Avenue, near the Punjabi Deli, where the liberal restroom policies draw cabbies at all hours.
Click on over to The Taxi Driver's Crib Sheet for more taxi-friendly locales and other cab-grabbing intel like how to find one during a shift change and on New Year's Eve.
(NY Mag)
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