Good neighboring: Better than a concierge

"I have an extremely helpful neighbor in my loft building. He markets in New Jersey instead of NYC and gets me food, household cleaners, etc., frequently, saving me energy and money.
If there is a snowstorm, he picks up my meds or my immediate needs in groceries locally.
He cat sits when I take a few days away and carries heavy things up and down from my basement storage room as I cannot handle the stairs.
When I am feeling under the weather, he picks up my mail and leaves it under my door.
When there is an especially good buy on something he knows I love--such as brie cheese--he buys it and leaves it as a gift.
A one-time nice gesture is lovely, but an ongoing commitment to help a 77-year-old woman face the challenges of our economic times and her health issues is worth of a halo."
--Submitted by Francine L. Trevens
Have story about a NYC neighbor who did something nice for you? Tell us about it so we can spread a little neighborliness among vertical dwellers.
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