
How a bidding war erupts, NYC home heating costs go "absolutely nuts," and more

By Leigh Kamping-Carder  | February 12, 2014 - 10:59AM

Arm yourself for the current market: A broker takes you behind the front lines of a bidding war (...with Confidence)

Hole-y crap. Now you have to worry about thieves slicing through the ceiling? (NYP)

Your Con Ed bill  is higher than your credit card bill because heating prices are going “absolutely nuts” (Bloomberg)

What you’ll get if you use your Anthropologie catalogue as a decorating guide (Behind the Dressing Room Door via Curbed)

To find your ideal broker, pretend you’re looking for a soulmate (Zillow Blog)

Advice on making the best of an oddly shaped living room (Apartment Therapy)

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